tracy winchell
Avid Reader | Recovering PKM Enthusiast | Age 50+ ADHD | Ghostwriter | Lifelong Arkansan
2y ago

🎙 Since 1984 I've been behind a mic, and in front of a camera since 1987 and Obsidian is the best tool for public speaking -- even better than reading from a teleprompter.

What makes Obsidian the perfect companion for speakers?

Here are 3 specific reasons why:

  • Reason #1: Themes with pretty colors make it easy to track where I am on my iPad Pro's screen.

  • Reason #2: Foldable sections keep my eyes focused on what I'm reading while alerting me when I'm about to shift gears.

  • Reason #3: Actively using the foldable sections slows my delivery. The half a beat it takes me to close one heading and open another is an excellent way to help the audience transition to the next big idea.

My Obsidian settings

  1. I use the core outliner plug-in. Simple set-ups on stage make it more difficult to screw up.

  2. Practice with the device you will use 2 or 3 times to gain muscle memory/

  3. The larger the print, the better, even if your eye sight is perfect.

  4. Just about any dark theme works well for me.

  5. Always have a printed analog copy within reach because, technology.

Obsidian + public speaking = 👌🏻

If you decide to take Obsidian with you next time you're in front of a live audience, let me know.

I'll be happy to learn from you and share a few ideas if you'd like.



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