Vernon Richards | Writer | Coach
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2y ago
Working As A Quality Coach? Be More Tummler To Improve The Quality Culture of your team
Vernon Richards | Quality Coach

One thing that helps me work: Trust.

Specifically, when my teammates trust me. One way I like to do this is help them with any testing or development problems they're hoping I can take off their hands. So instead of inflicting help on people, I offer to help them tackle a challenge that's bugging them.

Alex Hillman found a definition for this. It's Tummler.

Now I have to be honest, I don't think I fit that definition (😇). However, the way

Alex describes it does seem to fit. Here's what he says. Tummlers:

  1. Are curious. Specifically about people.

  2. Notice patterns. Especially about people.

  3. Give others permission to participate. Rather than take centre stage.

In combination, I can see how that fits me, particularly when it comes to building trust and coaching. Here's why:

  1. Are curious: e.g. By asking people what they want me to help with.

  2. Notice patterns: e.g. Do I need to nag people to comply with my views on software quality or notice where we already agree?

  3. Give others permission to participate: Asking someone's opinion on X immediately gets people onside and prevents you from becoming the bottleneck.

So if you're ever stuck with what to do as Coach on any given day, embrace your inner Tummler and start building trust!


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