Vicky Quinn Fraser 🚢
Nonfiction book coach — helping wonderful weirdos write books that break the rules.
1y ago

It’s World Book Day today!

Did you know UNESCO designated today as a worldwide celebration of books and reading?

And that more than 100 countries around the world celebrate it?

It’s not just about finding a costume for kids to dress up for school though.

Nor is it solely about finding joy in reading and literacy.

Nor is it just about fiction.

Or not for me, anyway.

For me, it’s just as much about CREATING nonfiction books as it is reading them…

So lemme ask you: have you got a nonfiction book in you?

And more than that: do you have the will and passion to write it?

What better day than World Book Day to start writing your nonfiction book?

It doesn’t have to be a massive wordy tome, either.

How about…

A MicroBook?

Short and mighty (like me), a MicroBook can be:

• 50-80 pages long (defo <100)

• 12-15,000 words

• a single powerful idea, distilled by you

• easy to read and carry around

• contains a magical transformation

I’m closing the doors to Season 3 of MicroBook Magic TOMORROW.

You can still grab a seat — all the VIP slots have gone, but there are 5 regular slots left.

Don’t leave it any longer to write your book.

Let’s get it DONE.

To write your MicroBook by May Day:

For more on writing nonfiction books (esp if you have ADHD or are ND) join my newsletter, Notes in the Margin:
