Wang Yip
Author of Essential Habits. I've written over 400+ articles (and counting) since 2017 on what I've learned about personal growth, creativity & work.
3y ago
Have You Considered What’s on Your No-Regrets List?
Wang Yip

A recent tweet from Sahil Bloom made me think about my list of no regrets.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We should all spend more time doing things we never regret.<br><br>A few things I never regret:<br><br>• Sprinting on creative work<br>• Calling my parents<br>• Going for a walk<br>• Exercising for 30 minutes<br>• Sleeping 8 hours<br><br>Make your list—then spend more time on those.</p>&mdash; Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) <a href="">January 30, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

It's a fascinating reversal as I get older because the more common approach would be to look at my regrets in life and consider how I might change my future actions to minimize more regrets.

Sahil's list includes:

  • Creative work

  • Calling his parents

  • Going for a walk

  • Exercising for 30 minutes

  • Sleeping 8 hours

And to my list, I would, in addition to Sahil's list, add:

  • Reading a good book

  • Spending time with my family

  • Practicing a new language

  • Meditating

  • Journaling

It's incredibly powerful to think about the things you definitely do not regret doing, and then to spend more time doing those things.

What's on your no-regrets list?


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