Yuliya Ohol 🧢
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1y ago
Contradictory Thoughts During Meditation and How Our Intuition Guiding us in the Right Direction During One
Yuliya Ohol 🧢

What we might know about ourselves, might be lie or truth. We might perceive ourselves as a positive or a nagative being with accumulation of different and contradictory characteristics , emotions, etc. So how do we know what might help us and what might not, if we barely might understand ourselves?

I would like to mention that is very important to always listen to our inner voice, that what we callintuition, and Im pretty sure thats how we know in what direction we have to move in our life; to know what is right for us and others and what is wrong.

We always have a great opportunity to learn how exactly we can understand -"what is our inner voice and develop intuition to a greater extent?". Meditation is a perfect tool to seize the day and finally try techniques which might help you to understand your mind, your body and listen closely to your needs. I use one simple technique during meditation to find answers to the questions that are really bothering me or do not let me live with ease. Using imagination during simple and short 10 min session of meditation I imagine that I talk to myself asking a questions, to the real self. Imagining person that lives in my head and how she looks like, I ask couple of questions. Whichever comes to my mind first I use as a clue, little answer that "me" answering to me, to be specific one of the "me" is my "subconscious".

Try this magical small technique and Im sure you will feel great powers of intuition inside of your body and mind.

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