Yuliya Ohol 🧢
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1y ago
Think like a monk or why daily yoga practice can reduce your stress to minimum
Yuliya Ohol 🧢

It’s not a secret that your thoughts affect your daily choices and mood. We usually make decisions relying on our thoughts which might be affected by our emotions, our problems in life, our current mood.

Yoga is a tool which takes your body and mind under control. It does not let your mind wonder. Yoga is a total discipline. Discipline of body is equal to the discipline of a mind.

What can we do to make yoga work for us and to make our days brighter and our future less stressful? We can start with simple lotus posture, which will develop patience within oneself. Doing so at least 10 minute a day, without any distractions, will bring your mind to a peace and make your choices in life more clear.

Yoga trains you not only to do exercises but think disciplined and clear. Researches showed that if we do so every day it will increase our mood and we could stay pretty much neutral all the time, without paying much of attention to daily disruptions and worries.

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