Yvonne Gerner
I write about quiet purposeful living for busy part-time creators • Work intentionally & side-hustle stress-free • 10 yrs of slow living after burnout
2y ago
The #1 reason you are not getting what you want (and no, it's not because you don't deserve it)
Yvonne Gerner

Your thoughts create your reality.

What you resist, persists. What you focus on, you will get more of. Ask and you shall receive.

There is a ton of sayings that point to the Law of Attraction.

You might regard this law as BS, but everyone has proof that it is working. But most of us will say it only works with the stuff we don’t want.

Very few consciously create and attract all the wealth, love and health they desire.

Why is it so hard to get the good stuff, and so easy to get the bad?

We talk endlessly about the stuff we don’t want. We complain, we argue, we say things like «I always catch a cold at the beginning of winter».

We walk around with grim faces rehashing negative experiences, emitting a rather low vibration. Guess what? The cold you hate getting has the same vibration. It’s a match to what you are sending out, pluss you are expecting it.

The things you do want have a higher vibration.

Think about what it feels like to be in love. Now THAT is a vibration. Have you ever noticed that when you are in love, more people are attracted to you? When you were single there was a draught, and now you meet new people everywhere.

It’s because of your new enhanced wavelength.

So, in order to get what you want you want to raise your vibration. Your feelings will tell you what you are sending out. Depression or anxiety? Pretty low, get ready for that nasty cold.

Joy, excitement, gratitude? You are soaring, and more to be joyful, excited and grateful for will find its way to you.

I know - it sounds too easy. I myself can hardly believe this is working. Only one thing to do - conduct some experiments and see what happens.


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