Matt Harris
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2y ago

Everybody talks about how they want to change their life for the better.

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds because they have a list of excuses or reasons why things won’t work.

"Results come from an obsession with taking action - that's what it takes to succeed."
- Tony Robbins

Finding Purpose

What you have to decide upfront is the reason why you want to achieve a particular goal.

"If you get a strong enough why to do something, you can figure out how to do anything."
-Jim Rohn

Knowing why you want to achieve a particular goal will get you to take action when the tough times come.

Generating Momentum

Once you start taking action, you need to generate momentum, and the secret to generating momentum is the sense of certainty.

When you're unsure or you think you might fail, you're not going to tap your full potential.

You protect your ego and your emotions.

Little certainty or uncertainty combined with little potential and little actions brings shitty results.

When you get shitty results, you criticize your own belief, telling yourself "I told you it wouldn't work or I told you it wouldn't happen."

You can change your approach when you understand this simple dynamic

Creating Certainty

Taking more action when you're uncertain won't work.

You need to change your certainty.

You do that by getting results in advance in your mind.

You need to visualize, feel, and experience what you want to achieve over and over again with enough repetition so that you get certain.

The mind does not know the difference between something you vividly imagine and something you actually experience if you do repeat the imagination enough times.

When you succeed or get a result, or you imagine it vividly, it makes your body more certain.

This causes you to take more action, get better results and build more momentum.


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