I finished Ali Abdaal's Part-Time Youtuber Academy a couple of weeks ago.

It was pretty intense. The course is also packed full of nuggets, resources, and learnings about how to start and grow your YouTube channel, as you would expect.

During and immediately after the course I was pumped and excited to start my creator journey to see where it leads.

Now I have doubts.

Not about the content I want to create. My focus is on high performance and how we can achieve it on a daily basis.

My doubts are about whether I will succeed at turning this YouTube thing into a business, a successful business.

My reasonable mind is telling me that it's far too early to start having these doubts. I started my channel in March for fucks sake and already I'm expecting to be a pro-YouTuber?!

That's completely unreasonable.

I've made a choice to go through the process of becoming a creator. I believe it will enable me to live the sort of lifestyle I want.

I have to keep reminding myself that I'm at the very beginning of the curve, not just with YouTube, launching a newsletter, a blog and publishing daily Atomic Essays & Twitter Threads.

This is all practice and part of my development and evolution as a creator.

I have to stay the course.

"It Takes Years To Become An Overnight Success."
- Michael S. Seaver

Daily practice, weekly improvements, and monthly progress.

My aim is to achieve these markers on a consistent basis and without realizing it, the success that I'm envisioning will come.

The key is consistency. If I stay consistent, I will win.

Consistency is the key to success.

I can become a successful YouTube creator, as long as I remain consistent and stay the course.

That's what I have to keep reminding myself.



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