Nadia Adan
Following a passion and writing about travel and wellness.
1y ago
Overcoming Over Thinking: Five Actions That Are Helping Me
Nadia Adan

I am an over thinker. Especially when it comes to my love life.

I know I am, and I know when I'm over thinking, and although I try to control the thoughts, they take on a life of their own.

My thoughts are very creative, I've lived several versions of my own life thanks to my over thinking and the stories I've created all on my own.

The other day my friend asked me "So what's the story are you overthinking about now?"

I was confused - I haven't mentioned anything about over thinking or the guy in some time. How did she know?

Turns out that my sudden quiet period on not speaking about this guy was the tell tale sign of my overthinking - who knew?!

I shared all my thoughts, my stories and my various conclusions I'd thought up.

We both laughed.

We laughed because the reality I am living is not at all aligned with the stories my over thinking creates. Lately I've been more conscious of my over thinking ways, and I'm trying to go more with the flow.

These actions are helping me on my way to flowing:

  • Talking and sharing - Letting things out in the open usually stops my spiralling over thinking mind from going into over drive as when I speak out loud I realise how much of what my mind has created just doesn't exist. Also letting the other person know what is concerning you, gives them the opportunity to address it.

  • Writing - this right now, if helpful. Acknowledging that I'm an over thinker is helpful. Sharing is helpful. Knowing that I'm not alone in my over thinking is helpful.

  • Not living in the past - Just because something happened in the past, it does not mean it will be repeated now. I am different, and the person in front of me is different. History does not always repeat itself.

  • Sleeping on it - I can spend most of the day building up a story in my head that just makes no sense the following day. So I'm sleeping on things before I act on them.

  • Accepting the unknown - I do not need to, nor do I want to control everything, it's great to experience and live life to the fullest and that means accepting life as it comes, with all it's up, and downs.

I'm riding the wave and I'm flowing.
With just a little over thinking to keep me on my toes.


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