Tien Pham
Hey, I’m Tien and I write about my experience growing up into a better human being, one breath at.a.time.
1y ago
Write To Solve Ill-Defined Problems
Tien Pham

...if you need to solve a complicated, ill-defined problem, it will almost always help to write about it. (Paul Graham)

Problem-solving is probably the most monetizing skill in the world. But not all problems are created equally.

There are two types of problems:

Well-defined problems and Ill-defined problems.

The first one often has clear rules and established desired outcomes (ie. a math problem, or a puzzle). The latter one is often more ambiguous. For an ill-defined problem, you often have to decide which constraints to use and what your desired state looks like. This is what makes ill-defined problems challenging.

In order to solve an ill-defined problem, you must first do the hideous job of ... defining it. What is the constraint? What is the desired outcome? This is where good thinking comes in. But good thinking does not just happen. It requires years of practice and reflection.

How to solve your ill-defined problems with your best mind?

Luckily, good thinking is a skill anyone can learn progressively. You just have to know where to start. You might have heard of many ways to improve thinking skills ranging from a critical thinking course, reading books, and participating in a debating competition, etc... Nevertheless, I believe that the most effective and fast profit-yielding way to get good at thinking is to write.

Write as you read. Write as you converse with your colleagues. Write as you think. Write when you get stuck.

Writing helps your thought process continue. Writing down your ideas helps you refrain from coming up with a premature solution. More importantly, writing keeps you sane despite having to constantly stay in the land of ambiguity when dealing with an ill-defined problem.

I have no doubt that writing sharpens thinking. Good thinking leads to more creative problem solving.

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