We Can Never Find Nirvana Because Nirvana Is Always There
Tim Fairweather

What is our Causation-I, and how can we develop pureness?

In Pure Name Buddha's book, the Vimalakirti Sutra, he speaks about a different way to find happiness and inner peace.

He says if you understand this philosophy πŸ˜„ from your heart πŸ’š
You will be free from all suffering 🎊

The heart in Buddhism is not the beating organ but our consciousness, our ability to be aware of each moment.

It is short but so powerful, so I'll share it here.

He says that our heart, or consciousness, creates our identity, our β€œcausation-Iβ€œ, as an illusion that never ends. Causation because it is connected to everything from outside.
But if A creates B, then A is not B.

So our heart cannot be this illusion.
The causation-I comes from all the others, so it has no true self.

So where is our true self?

It cannot be outside. It cannot be inside. So where is it?

It is nowhere. It is everywhere.

Because our heart is the creator.

So our true heart has no beginning nor end.

Therefore it always remains pure and free.

Like the painter is never the painting.


So we can never find Nirvana because Nirvana is always there.

I love this philosophy so much. It brings such lightness and joy to my insides.

Of course, we cannot become awakened by one idea only. But it is a start to help us find peace and kind intention toward ourselves and others.

Any moment you can connect to awakened wisdom is an awakened moment.

Many awakened moments become an awakened life.

How wonderful that we can all develop towards this beautiful direction right now in the present moment! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’šπŸ™πŸ‰β˜―οΈβ˜ΈοΈ


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